HopScotch & Grape
We here at HopScotch&Grape are committed to the values of inclusivity and diversity. We recognize the challenges and barriers that can obstruct or make feel unwelcome those who are not already included. Women, BIPOC, LGBTQAI+, and Alternatively abled people have a home here. We view our work as promoting, supporting, and enabling diversity and inclusiveness in industries where it hasn’t been the case. We want to help you succeed! At HopScotch&Grape, we will never ask you for free samples of your crafted beverage. We want you to get paid! We are also lovers of deliciousness and a life well lived. Well-crafted beer, spirits, and wine add to the richness of life and enjoying cuisine from the world over. We believe that bringing new people - people from all walks of life - into the creation circle adds to the deliciousness of our world. The more the merrier! HopScotch&Grape – because diversity is the taste of life!